2025 Events
Please check regularly for upcoming Patricia Shoppe events, and for the most recent news on our Facebook or Instagram page!
Friday, July 5 - Summer Sale starts now!
Can’t believe we’re saying this, but we’re already getting boxes of fall/transition merchandise in July. So, we’re putting the best of our summer apparel on sale! 30-50% off all summer apparel & shoes!
Saturday, August 17- Egg Harbor Sidewalk Sales
Time to get outside and enjoy what is left of summer! Two tents outside overflowing with summer sale apparel, shoes, scarves, and purses from 10am-5pm. All sidewalk sale items 50-70% off. Buy 2 or more sale items and receive a 20% off one regular priced item for inside the shop. This is a great chance to score great deals that you can still wear while it’s warm, or a fall piece that will keep you warm during the cool months about to start.
Friday, October 7- Sunday, Oct 11 Pumpkin Patch Festival- Egg Harbor
It's a beautiful weekend to be in Door County. Come check out our award winning pumpkin display- what will Erin & her glue gun come up with this year?! Enjoy the festival downtown, or come to the quiet end of town and enjoy shopping in our beautiful garden. We are bringing a lot of it outside for you to enjoy the fall colors & fresh air. Tons of coats, hats, scarves, gloves- have fun in our outerwear outdoor shop & inside too.
Friday, November 8 - Sunday, Nov 10 Sweater Weather Weekend
Join Egg Harbor's new celebratory weekend on the second week of November. All our sweater will be 25% off from Friday through Sunday and a percentage of the sales we make that weekend will be donated to Door County Secret Santa Fund.
Friday, November 22 Hunter's Widow Party
Watch for fun specials on how to get your own buck this weekend- we have some fun things in the works!
Friday & Saturday, November 29 & 30 Holly Days - Egg Harbor
30% off of everything in the store for 2 days! Check out Egg Harbor's
Monday, December 2 Cyber Monday Jewelry Sale
30% off all jewelry in-store and on our website!
DATE CHANGE! Wednesday, December 11th Customer Appreciation Sale & Party
Join us for our Customer Appreciation Sale & Party and celebrate the season with 50% off storewide!